AI staffer assault: BJP calls for strict action against Shiv Sena MP for 'condemnable' act

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New Delhi [India], Mar. 24 : Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad has received wide flak for hitting a staffer of the Air India with his slipper with the national carrier blacklisting the former.

Reacting on the same, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday dubbed it as 'highly condemnable' and called out for a strict action to be taken against the MP.

"The incident involving a Member of Parliament (MP) from Shiv Sena is highly condemnable. This is not the sort of behaviour that people of the country expect from elected lawmakers. The people expect their politicians to show exemplary behaviour," BJP spokesperson GVL Narsimha Rao told.

Rao further said the MP had done a great disservice to the entire political class because people of the country develop bad imagery about politicians due to such individuals indulging in such high-handedness.

"I expect that the concerned politician makes amends for his very condemnable behaviour and also apologises for it," he said.

Resonating the same, BJP leader Zafar Islam said the action was totally unpardonable.

"I think it's very unfortunate and this kind of behaviour is totally unwarranted and more better behaviour rather than what is totally unpardonable. Besides authorities taking action against him, the Shiv Sena chief should take cognizance and take strict action and exemplary action against him," he said.

Yesterday, Gaikwad, wrote a letter to Civil Aviation Minsiter Ashok Gajapathi Raju and Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, while listing out the problems faced by him in the flight.

Gaikwad in his letter said that he was misled by the Air India and stated that he was given business class ticket, but later he came to know that there was no business class section in the flight.

"If there was no business class in the flight then why Air India is booking flight for it. I complaint about this in Delhi Airport, but the management started misbehaving with me and said that we have seen number of MPs like you and even threatened to complain to the Prime Minister," stated the letter sent by Gaikwad.

Listing his problems, the Shiv Sena MP asked the Aviation Minsiter and the Speaker to probe the matter and to find the reason behind these issues highlighted by him.

Meanwhile, Air India registered two FIRs against Gaikwad for hitting an Air India staffer with his slipper over sitting issue and for forcibly holding the flight and delaying it for 40 minutes. (ANI)
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