Demi Lovato frees Poot Lovato from her basement life

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New Delhi [India], Apr. 5 : Demi Lovato just brought her unflattering meme from 2015, Poot Lovato, back to life.

Back in 2015, a Tumblr user casually shared a poorly angled photo of the 24-year-old singer and captioned it as, "Demi's twin sister. She was locked in a basement her whole life. This picture was taken the first time she went outside. Her name is Poot."

The photo took off and became an internet phenomenon, giving rise to the hashtags like #FreePootLovato and #JusticeforPoot.

Though the 'Cool for the Summer' songstress originally shunned the meme, this time, she's responsible for bringing it back.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Lovato took to her Twitter page and shared a GIF of Poot, essentially freeing her from her basement life. (ANI)
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