Innovative 'Comebackpedia' by Hyundai scores big in meme marketing

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New Delhi : Hyundai Motor India Ltd, (HMIL) the country's car exporter and second largest passenger car manufacturer, received an overwhelming response for its first-of-its-kind innovative digital campaign 'Comebackpedia' on the newly launched 2017 Grand i10.

The campaign garnered over 6.7 million views across social media. Based on Humour, around 10,400 interesting Memes were generated by users and shared on social networking sites.

"We believe Hero Content always makes the brand distinctive and engages the user effectively. We took humour as the campaign driver by engaging the popular Humour Artists to do the Meme sourcing with fun elements. We are glad that Comebackpedia has received huge popularity and appreciation from our Customers, social media fans and Critics," said Senior General Manager and Group Head Marketing, HMIL, Puneet Anand.

"Comebackpedia" campaign is the first of its kind done by an Auto Brand has utilized Meme marketing to capitalize on the huge popularity of these humour artists amongst the youth with the New 2017 Grand i10. "Comebackpedia", is a unique encyclopedia of comeback memes with branded video content of popular humour artists like Cyrus Broacha, Vir Das, Mallika Dua, Amit Tandon, Vipul Goyal, Kaneez Surka and Rahul Dua.

The campaign was designed to invite fans to log on to and create a MEME using the expressions of their favourite humour artists, by simply adding an interesting reaction to a comeback and share with their friends. The most unique MEMEs featured in the video series created by the artists and participants also got a chance to win #Wowsome merchandise.

Campaign related Video content was released in three phases. First phase - humorous videos of the artists inviting fans to create comeback memes and engage with the brand. Second phase - 'The Comebackpedia Show', was released which featured winning memes and Artist's hilarious versions of Comebacks in a two episode show.

The third phase included a dramatic, upbeat and humorous video which concluded the entire campaign with brand integration highlighting 'The Drive with Besties' when one buys a new car. (ANI)
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