Stressing on the importance of unity between Muslims and Christians to shape world peace, Pope Francis on Friday urged to reject violence in the name of God or religion and preach messages of peace and tolerance instead.
"Let us say once more a firm and clear 'No!' to every form of violence, vengeance and hatred carried out in the name of religion or in the name of God," reported CNN, quoting the Pope said at a peace conference at Al-Azhar University, the premier seat of high learning among Sunni Muslims.
The pope said it is essential to eliminate poverty and exploitation in order to prevent conflicts and build peace in the world.
"In order to prevent conflicts and build peace, it is essential that we spare no effort in eliminating situations of poverty and exploitation where extremism more easily takes root, and in blocking the flow of money and weapons destined to those who provoke violence," he said.
He also called for an end to the proliferation of arms and condemned demagogic forms of populism.
"If they are produced and sold, sooner or later they will be used. Only by bringing into the light of day the murky maneuverings that feed the cancer of war can its real causes be prevented. National leaders, institutions and the media are obliged to undertake this urgent and grave task." He said.
The Pope arrived in Egypt on Friday, on two-day trip, which is aimed to shape the Muslim-Christian brotherhood.
The Pope's visit comes nearly two weeks after the Palm Sunday attack on two Coptic churches in Egypt, leaving at least 45 people dead. (ANI)
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