Afghan-Americans protest against Pakistan for supporting terror

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Afghan-Americans from various walks of life, living in the Washington D.C. area and beyond, held a protest against Pakistan for supporting terrorist groups and organizations in Afghanistan.

The protestors called on the United States and the rest of the international community to put pressure on Pakistan to stop its support of terrorist groups and organizations in Afghanistan and the surrounding region, and eliminate terrorist sanctuaries in that country.

The protestors also expressed their deepest condolences to the families of the Afghan soldiers who had lost their lives in a terror attack on the 209 Shaheen Corps in Balkh Province recently.

The Afghan-Americans conveyed their deepest sympathies to the families of thousands of innocent civilians who have lost their lives as a result of the continued terrorism in the region

Afghans around the world have already expressed their disgust toward continued terrorism and bloodshed in their homeland.

The Afghan-Americans, who have been directly or indirectly impacted by events in Afghanistan, called on the Taliban and other terrorist groups to put down their arms and cease hostilities toward against the people of Afghanistan and the surrounding region.

They asked the United States and NATO to provide decisive help to the Government of Afghanistan and its security forces to defeat, and eliminate the Taliban and all other terrorist groups.

"We call on United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to investigate and document the incidents of war crimes in Afghanistan, including attacks on houses of worship, hospitals, and public structures, and identify and prosecute the perpetrators involved in the incidents," they said.

"We believe that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan is crucial for a stable region and a stable world, thus we consider it a regional and international responsibility to ensure that Afghanistan does not become a haven for international terrorism again," the Afghan-Americans added.

The protestors asked Afghan government to launch an independent investigation into the Balkh and other recent terror attacks in which terrorist infiltrated several layers of security and launched their savage attacks.

They called on the Afghan government to implement fundamental reforms and immediately address the leadership crisis in the country's security sector. (ANI)
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