CBI conducts search operation at absconding godman's Rohini ashram

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CBI conducts search operation at absconding godman's Rohini ashram

A joint search operation was conducted at the absconding Baba Virendra Dev Dixit's ashram in Rohini on Sunday, in connection with the case of illegal confinement of 40 girls inside the ashram.

A Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team, along with the Delhi Police and Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), reached the north Delhi-based ashram, Adhyatmik Vishwa Vidyalaya, for the investigation.

DCW chairman Swati Maliwal, who was present at the spot, said, "It is shameful that Virendra Dev Dixit is still underground and secondly, his ashram has not removed the word 'University' from its name despite the high court's orders. The Baba should be arrested and all his buildings should be demolished."

In December last year, more than 40 girls were rescued in an operation that was carried out at the ashram, after the high court formed a panel consisting of lawyers and Maliwal.

On January 30, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) conducted a demolition drive at the ashram, and three cases were registered by the CBI against Dixit, on January 3. On January 4, the Delhi High Court appointed a committee to file a status report in connection with the case.

In a February 5 hearing, the Delhi High Court issued a lookout notice against Dixit and ordered the ashram to remove the word 'University' from its name on grounds that the University Grants Commission (UGC) prohibits the use of the term by a non-legal entity.

"Look at their guts! Despite High Court order, Baba Virender Dixit ashram continues to be called 'Adhyatmik Vishwavidyalaya'. They have no respect for High Court and law! (sic) tweeted Maliwal.

In a February 5 hearing, the Delhi High Court issued a lookout notice against Dixit and ordered the ashram to remove the word ‘University’ from its name on grounds that the University Grants Commission (UGC) prohibits the use of the term by a non-legal entity.
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Adhyatmik Vishwa Vidyalaya

Baba Virender Dev Dixit


Delhi Commission for Women

Delhi Police

Municipal Corporation of Delhi


Rohini Ashram

search operation

Swati Maliwal

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