BJP demands quick removal of disputed Amazon map

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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday asked Amazon to respect the sentiments of the Indians and remove the disputed map from its site.

"If Amazon Canada wants to work in India then they have to keep the sentiments of Indians and law of the country in mind," BJP leader Tejinder Bagga told ANI.

Mentioning a previous instance where Amazon stopped the supply of door-mats which had Indian map printed on it, Bagga said, "We've again warned them and asked them to remove the item from sale".

He added, "If they do not remove this within two days, we will think about taking legal action against them".

Amazon Canada landed in trouble again when the BJP asked the site to remove an incorrect version of a map of India from its online sales.

The product is said to have transgressed the 2016 Geospatial Information Regulation Bill. According to the draft, it will be mandatory to take permission from a government authority before acquiring, disseminating, publishing or distributing any geospatial information on India.

In January this year, Amazon had apologised for selling doormats bearing the Indian national flag on its Canadian website. It removed the product. (ANI)
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