Myth of supremacy of Pak BAT demolished completely: Defence Experts

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Lauding the Indian Army for neutralizing two Pakistani Border Action Team (BAT) terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir's Uri sector, the defence experts on Saturday said the myth of the supremacy of the Pakistani BAT stands demolished for all times to come.

Defence Expert P. K. Sehgal said Pakistan has recently deployed BAT all along the border to scare the Indian Army but the reverse has taken place.

Sehgal further said that gone are the days when BAT did things which were barbaric in nature, but hereafter there is no way that the Indian Army is ever going to allow them to do a thing like this.

"The so called myth of the supremacy of the Pakistani Border Action Team (BAT) stands demolished for all times to come. With the change of strategy of the Indian side (wherein we will be on the offensive, we will dominate the Line of Control (LoC)), this is the first time when the BAT tried to ambush the Indian Army patrol and the result is there for all to see," Sehgal told ANI.

Another Defence Expert S.R. Sinho also opined the same, saying that it is a good lesson for Pakistan to learn that it would not succeed in its actions in future.

"In Uri sector, the Pakistani BAT again tried to ambush our patrolling party, but they were alert and they have learnt from the previous action and so, they were able to neutralise this attack of the BAT. Both the BAT personnel were killed...I think the Pakistanis should stop this nonsense," Sinho told ANI.

After foiling an infiltration bid along the LoC in Uri Sector, the Indian Army yesterday recovered two bodies along with weapons including one AK 47 rifles and one pistol.

"At about 8.40 am in the morning, two armed intruders infiltrated in Uri Sector of Jammu and Kashmir from close vicinity of a known Pakistan post and came close to Indian Army post about 500 meters inside own side of LoC. After a fire fight, both intruders were neutralised by own troops. Two bodies, one AK 47 Rifle, one Pistol and warlike stores recovered from the sight," Army PRO Colonel Aman Anand said.

The jawans gunned down two Border Action Team ( BAT) terrorists. (ANI)
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