Security actions breaching sovereignty unacceptable: President Vladimir Putin

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At the eighth high-level international security conference in Russia, President Vladimir Putin emphasized that regional and global security issues should be addressed without actions breaching sovereign interests.

Putin's address was delivered by Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev in the Tver Region, wherein it was specifically pointed out that" an effective solution to such large-scale and complex tasks requires the coordination of all members of the world community's efforts."

The conference will include sessions that will look closely at the issues of combating international terrorism, security problems in Europe and Asia-Pacific region, role of defence agencies in enhancing security in different regions of the world.

Counter-terrorism and counter radicalism in the Middle East, security of information space, BMD implications, and security in Central Asia will also be in the spotlight of separate discussion sessions of the Forum.

"At the same time, it is extremely important that measures to ensure regional and global security are undertaken on the basis of consolidated approaches while strictly observing the principles and norms of international law. Actions that infringe on the legitimate interests of sovereign states, as well as the practice of double standards, are categorically unacceptable,"Sputnik quoted Putin's message, as stating.

Representatives of more than 90 countries took part in international high-level security meeting in the Russian region of Tver.

Delegates consists of security council secretaries, presidential aides, ministers and intelligence officials .The eight international high-level meeting on security issues kicked off on Tuesday in Zavidovo national Resort in Tver region and will last through Thursday.(ANI)
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