Turkey turns down German lawmakers' request to visit NATO airbase

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Tensions between Berlin and Ankara escalated to an extent that the Turkish Government has turned down a request by German lawmakers to visit troops stationed in the Incirlik airbase.

In response, Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that Berlin will consider removing its soldiers from Turkey after Ankara refused to grant Germany's parliament the permission to visit staff serving Turkish airbase.

Ankara's decision amounts to leading 'Mutiny' in NATO. Turkey's relations with Germany have taken a sharp downturn in recent months since Ankara has chosen to adopt an independent stance in NATO, as well as with regard to the European Union and the United States," Sputnik quoted political analyst Yuri Pochta as saying.

Turkey blocked German lawmakers from visiting the soldiers at Incirlik airbase, who are serving in a NATO mission targeting ISIS in Syria.

About 250 German soldiers are stationed at Incirbik as part of the US-led counter terrorism operation in the Middle East. Ankara's decision has prompted Berlin to review its deployment to Turkey by shifting the troops to another alternative likely Jordan.

Turkey's refusal is linked to Germany's recent decision to grant asylum to Turkish soldiers and officials stationed at NATO bases, who have been termed as disloyal officials by Ankara after a failed coup in Turkey in July 2016.

Several Turkish soldiers and their families who had previously stationed at Nato facilities in Germany have filed applications for asylum in Germany after facing prosecution charges following the failed coup. (ANI)
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