UK: Manchester rocked by explosion, survivors recount horrifying tales

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In what could be described as one of the worst terror attacks in Britain, at least 22 people have been killed and dozens injured, as a suspected suicide bomber carried out a carnage during U.S. pop sensation Ariana Grande's concert in Manchester, England on Tuesday.

Some victims present at the sight of attack gave their horrific accounts about what happened during the attack.

According to media reports, Jane Pearson, 46 from Greater Manchester, had gone to the concert with her daughter, Rachel, 21, as a birthday treat. She told PA the arena was packed full of young children.

Pearson said: "It's the worst kind of people who could even consider doing something like this and quite frankly those sort of people, they deserve the worst punishment ever.

"I can't imagine what goes in to the heads of these people that want to hurt children? And families who have come together for such a happy occasion. It's disgusting. It's absolutely disgusting."

Pearson said she was in the block of seats next to where the explosion occurred. She said: "Well it was just at the actual final moment of the concert. Then all of a sudden this loud explosion, followed by a ton of smoke was coming up from the left of me. Then just absolute chaos. Disbelief, everybody running over each other not quite knowing what had gone on. Mad chaotic rush to nearest exit, lots of people crying and wailing."

"There was people bleeding, and lots of people being separated, very scary, very upsetting but obviously we believe there have been fatalities. It's just a terrible thing. Who could do this at a concert where there are children and families? It's just unbelievable," she expressed her shock

Another person, Matt Ledger, 19, who was at the concert with two friends, told "We were at the arena and we heard a huge bang. Kids were crying, mums were picking their kids up and running for the exits - there were people lying injured and being trampled on as everyone tried to get out."

Andy, another survivor recounts that he was blown "about 30ft" by the blast that shook the building as he waited to collect his wife and daughter at the end of a concert.

Another concert goer Majid Khan, 22, added: "I and my sister, along with a lot of others were seeing Ariana Grande perform at Manchester Arena, and we were all exiting the venue when around 10.40-10.45pm-ish a huge bomb-like bang went off that hugely panicked everyone and we were all trying to flee the arena.

"It was one bang and essentially everyone from the other side of the arena where the bang was heard from suddenly came running towards us as they were trying to exit Trinity Way and that was blocked so everyone was just running to any exit they could find as quickly as they could.

"Everyone was in a huge state of panic, calling each other as some had gone to the toilet whilst this had gone off, so it was just extremely disturbing for everyone there."

Following the attack, British Prime Minister Theresa May has suspended her General Election campaign.

The Prime Minister, "We are working to establish the full details of what is being treated by the police as an appalling terrorist attack. All our thoughts are with the victims and the families of those who have been affected." (ANI)
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