U.S. President Donald Trump terms Kim Jong Un as 'Madman with nuclear weapons'

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U.S. President Donald Trump held a private telephonic conversation with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte during which he labeled North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a "madman with nuclear weapons."

According to the Washington Post, President Trump even sought Duterte's input on whether "Kim is stable or not stable" to which Philippine counterpart allegedly said "Kim who is playing with his bombs, his toys," and "his mind is not working well and he just might go crazy one moment."

Trump reacted saying "We can't let a madman with nuclear weapons let on the loose like that" then pointed out that the United States has "a lot of firepower more than he has time 20--" including "two nuclear submarines" but we don't want to use it , according to the transcript of the conversation made available by the Philippines government on May 2 .

Trump told his Philippine counterpart that Washington has sent two nuclear submarines to waters off the Korean Peninsula.

The phone call was held on April 29.

President Trump met President Xi Jinping on April 7 and asked China to exert more pressure on North Korea and if it dosen't work, the U.S. will act alone.(ANI)
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