Uttar Pradesh special task force raid petrol pumps in Gorakhpur

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A Uttar Pradesh Police Special Task Force (STF) raided over a dozen petrol pumps on Wednesday to check the sudden spurt of petrol theft in the state.

The STF had earlier registered FIRs against seven petrol pumps and arrested 23 people for using cheating chips.

As many as 15 electronic chips and 29 remote controls have been recovered from the seven petrol pumps.

Earlier this week, the special task force raided over a dozen petrol pumps to check theft of petrol in state capital Lucknow.

STF sleuths found that a chip board-like device worth Rs. 3,000 was placed inside the petrol dispensing machine, which did the job.

Receiving a tip-off from an informer, STF sleuths apprehended electrician Ravinder who had developed that chip which helped petrol pump owners and staff to sell less petrol but at the original price.

According to reports, Ravindra had sold this chip to over 1,000 petrol pump owners across Uttar Pradesh.

On raiding at least eight pumps in the city, three at Sitapur Road and one each in the Cantonment area, Chinhat at Kamta crossing, Samta Mulak crossing in Gomtinagar and KGMU, all were found to be using the said chip.

After conducting a thorough investigation, the STF team arrested Ravindra, several petrol pump workers and owners.

A customer told ANI, "We are very satisfied and happy. The government should continue this good work. I suggest strict action should be taken against wrong doers."

Another customer suggested that raids should be conducted at every petrol pump. (ANI)
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