Lucknow: BJP MLA flouts Centre's order, caught with red beacon

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Despite Center's ban on the use of red beacon, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Mahesh Trivedi was caught taking use of the facility here.

Offering an explanation, Trivedi said that he travelled in the car for a short distance as his own vehicle was damaged.

"While I was coming from the airport my vehicle got damaged. The car with red beacon was passing from that place, so I asked them to drop me here at the chief minister residence," Trivedi said.

However, no action was taken on Trivedi for using the banned red beacon.

Earlier also, ministers have flouted the rule and have used the red beacon on their vehicles.

In May, West Bengal PWD Minister Arup Biswas was seen using the red beacon atop his vehicle, despite the Centre's ban.

Shahi Imam of Tipu Sultan Masjid, Maulana Noor-ur Rehman Barkati, had also refused to remove the red beacon from his car initially.

Seeking to end the VIP culture, the Union Cabinet had decided that beacon lights will be removed from all vehicles from May 1, except emergency vehicles, like ambulances and fire brigade.

The notification issued in pursuance of powers conferred on the Central Government under sub-rule 4 of rule 108 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 said that the multi-coloured light shall not be put to use when the vehicle is not on the designated duty.(ANI)
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