Romania's government collapses after six months

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Romania's left-wing government collapsed Wednesday after lawmakers backed a no-confidence vote in Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu following power struggles within his party and over the country's failed anti-corruption fight.

The ruling Social Democrat party (PSD) filed the motion, which passed with 241 to 10 votes, barely six months after winning a thumping election victory.

On June 15 ,the National Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party unanimously voted to expel Premier Sorin Grindeanu from the party. More than 20 of his ministers have also resigned.

There exists a power struggle between Sorin Grindeanu and Liviu Dragnea, the powerful PSD leader, who is barred from office after a vote-rigging conviction but exerts control on the government from behind the scene.

On February 5th,the Romanian government has scrapped a bill that would have protected many politicians from being prosecuted for corruption after nationwide protests .Grindeanu has lost support from Dragnea since the government in February shelved plans to decriminalize some corruption offences.

The decree would have benefited politicians such as Liviu Dragnea, president of the Social Democrat Party. Dragnea is under investigation over abuse of power allegations and had also previously received a two-year suspended sentence for an elections offense. (ANI)
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