Sikkin CM backs Gorkhaland movement in letter to Rajnath Singh

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Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling on Thursday wrote a letter to Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh in which he backed the Gorkhaland movement.

"We all are aware that Sikkim and Darjeeling share a very close bond with similarities of language, culture, tradition, caste, food habits etc. As immediate neighbours, we Sikkimese wish them well forever. We have always been there for the people of Darjeeling Hills in times of need and we reiterate that they have our all-out support for the demand of separate state of Gorkhaland," Chamling's letter read.

Chamling, who has been in power in Sikkim for nearly 23 years, added that the past three uproarious decades of agitation for the statehood demand in the neighbouring hills has claimed more than 1,000 lives and caused incalculable loss of property and constant threat to security of life.

"The fulfillment of the Constitutional demand of the people of the Darjeeling hills, which is deeply connected with the national identity of the Indian Gorkhas, will provide long-awaited justice to their patriotism. Creation of Gorkhaland state will also restore permanent peace and prosperity in the region and Sikkim will be hugely benefitted," he asserted.

The 66-year-old politician posted the letter on his Facebook page which was shared by about 1,100 people in the first three hours.

Chamling also argued in his letter to the Union Minister that disturbances in the Darjeeling hills result in blockade on the landlocked hill state's only lifeline, NH 10, and prolonged blockade could lead to security concerns since Sikkim shares international borders with China, Nepal and Bhutan. (ANI)
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