Apple puts iPod Nano and Shuffle to sleep, forever

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Tech giant Apple recently discontinued their traditional music players-the iPod Nano and Shuffle. Both these products haven't been updated in a long time, forcing them to be obsolete.

In their time, both iPods were iconic parts of the Apple line-up. The Shuffle offered a shrunken music player to people like runners, and the Nano was a tiny version of the popular iPod, reports The Independent.

However, the two iPods were the only the gadgets of the collection that didn't run on iOS and neither did they have internet connection which forbid their use of Apple Music.

Previously, Apple had dropped the iPod classic in 2014 and the only product left in the shrinking line is the iPod Touch which has been updated in the recent years.

Despite the discontinuation of the iPod models, Apple has consistently used the name 'Pod' for different products like the HomePod or AirPods. (ANI)
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