Paytm mall ensures trusted shopping experience; delists 50 percent logistic partners

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Paytm Mall, owned by Paytm Ecommerce Pvt Ltd delisted 50 percent of its logistic partners stopping deliveries to more than 9,000 pincodes out of 26,000 where guaranteed assistance in returns and replacements was not assured assuring superior consumer experience for all its clients.

"We are building India's most trusted online shopping destination by ensuring we work with trusted shopkeepers and logistics partners only. We believe working with fewer retailers and pin codes that leads to a superior customer experience is more important than rapid expansion," said chief operating officer, Paytm Mall, Amit Sinha.

The company aims to establish a reliable logistics ecosystem with greater transparency in delivery and replacement timelines, while ensuring that exact products are delivered in a good condition.

It routinely evaluates existing logistics partners and aggregation centers based on which, it has delisted almost 50 percent logistic partners as they were unable to offer a consistently superior consumer experience.

"We remain committed to expanding our coverage in due course by increasing the set of serviceable pincodes and number of merchant partners in a gradual manner," added Sinha.

Previously, Paytm mall had delisted around 85,000 sellers and had revamped their seller on-boarding process to ensure authenticity. (ANI)
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