Even at 50, why should your man change due to prostate conditions?

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They are stubborn and indecisive, lazy, forgetful, yet interfering. But irrespective of that, they are your men in shining armours whom you would not want to change or exchange for any given reason. Help your men stay the same, pay attention to their prostate health because men should always be men.

Constant need to urinate, increased frequency of urination at night, inability to completely empty the bladder and many such urinary problems can irritate your man and take a toll on his normal health. Before it gets worse, pay attention to your man's prostate health and help him lead a peaceful daily life.

The prostate is a small walnut-sized gland and is a part of male reproductive system. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside. As the prostate gland enlarges it tightens around the urethra, almost squeezing it like pinching a straw. This, in turn, may cause urinary symptoms. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

BPH interferes with the normal flow of urine, thus causing uncomfortable symptoms like frequent visit to the toilet, especially during the night, an urgent need to urinate, a feeling of incomplete urination, a weak or interrupted urinary flow etc. These symptoms negatively affect the quality of life of patients.

BPH is a very common phenomenon with aging. By 60 years of age, more than 50 percent of men develop BPH and by age of 85 years, nearly 90 percent of men will have BPH.

"BPH is a very common after a certain age for men, but it's very easy to treat BPH with the available drugs in the market. Unlike previously, surgery is not the only method to treat BPH anymore. Treatment with medicines has to be life long as in diabetes. Some patients on medical treatment may later need surgery due to failure of treatment," said Dr. Hemant Pathak, Head of Department, Urology, Nayar Hospital.

There are two types of medicines. One is to reduce the size of the prostate and reduce its growth. Another group of medicines help to relax the prostate to make the urine flow better. These drugs bring lot of relief of the urinary problems of the patients. Their effects are immediate but these drugs have to be consumed daily for a long term. The choice of treatment depends on patient's condition and may vary depending on the severity.

"Details of your medical history, symptoms and few more simple tests can help in the diagnosis of BPH. The simple blood test to detect PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level, which is an enzyme secreted by prostate may help to distinguish between BPH and Prostate Cancer," said Dr. Sanjay Pandey, Head of Unit, Urology, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute.

The symptoms of BPH which are often called lower urinary tract symptoms include:

•The need to urinate more often than usual

•The need to wake up at night to urinate

•The sudden need to urinate and having trouble postponing it

•Any involuntary loss of urine

•A weak stream of urine

•Splitting or spraying of the urine stream

•The flow of urine starts and stops

•Straining when urinating

These symptoms can be very bothersome and have a negative impact on social life, personal relationships and sex life. (ANI-BusinessWire India)
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