Hillary Clinton blasts President Donald Trump's budget proposal as 'disdain for Americans'

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President Donald Trump's rival in the last presidential election, Hillary Clinton slammed the budget proposal forwarded by the Trump administration on Wednesday, saying it would cause "an unimaginable level of cruelty."

Fox News quoted her saying that the budget, paired with attempts to repeal ObamaCare, shows "lack of imagination and disdain for the struggles of millions of Americans," Clinton said.

The Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday said that the Affordable Care Act proposed by President Trump to repeal and replace ObamaCare would leave 14 million more people uninsured next year than under President Barack Obama's health law - and 23 million more in 2026.

Debate on the effect of insurance costs for those who are sick or have pre-existing conditions is also raging in the country.

The Republican Party's bill is also expected to increase premium overtime for people who are less healthy in states that seek and receive the waivers from some critical Obamacare regulations.

The analysis till now appears to contradict Republican arguments that the proposal wouldn't impact Americans with pre-existing conditions. (ANI)
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