Seventh person arrested in Manchester Arena attack

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A man in Nuneaton, Warwickshire has been arrested by the British Police in connection with the Manchester Arena terror attack in which 22 people were killed and several others injured.

Earlier, an unidentified woman was arrested during an armed raid on a block of flats in Blackley in connection with the same attack.

So far, six men and a woman has been arrested in conjunction with the investigation related to the attack that happened on Monday, moments after U.S. singer Ariana Grande finished her performance.

The brother and father of Manchester attack bomber were arrested in Libya.

According to media reports, Libya's counter terrorism forces arrested Hashem Abedi, 20, the brother of suspected attacker Salman Abedi on suspicion of links to the Islamic State group.

Salman Abedi's father Ramadan Abedi has also been arrested. A third brother, Ismail, has also been arrested after police raids in the UK. The family are believed to live between Manchester, where the children were born and grew up, and Libya.

Meanwhile, British Police on Wednesday arrested fifth person in connection with the Manchester attack case.

Spokeswoman of Greater Manchester Police was quoted by the Independent as saying that "we have made an arrest in Wigan this afternoon in connection with the investigation into the horrific incident at Manchester Arena".

She added that the police were assessing the package the man was carrying.

22 people were killed in a blast the Manchester Arena on Monday night, including an eight-year-old girl and an off-duty female police officer.

Military personnel have also been deployed to protect Britain's key sites after the national terror-threat level was raised to its highest level from severe to 'critical', signifying that another attack may be imminent. (ANI)
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